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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  August 9, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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undegod are we beb al& ll yhat friends ifou don't think were blessed he)e in the united ates of amera you nevebeen anywhere else in the world i can tell you that cause we have it fafar better áhan any otr nation in eworld e we perfect no were not peect anymore an david was rfect we arelessed you knowhat as long as we demand thatod become in o vocabula we ght to keep him on our currency in our vocabulary will continue if we allow s name tbe roved her vocabula)this nation will no longer be bld i promise you tdat @ that's a fact it will happen if wdon't if you do thin h%s y be blessed to thiggs away from him he curd such as the waite to thshort message will last@you listen a
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moment or two police song's exhaustive concordance of the bible valuable tto serious bible student stro's concorncelists@everorgies the bible ery passage we wo used in scripture with the sistance of reference number system english trader may translate y word back originalebw lby or group which god'word was written the companion bible unique study bible in adbition to the text king james veion bible extra wide marn contains wealth of infoation not found in other bibles systeg the struure outle employed byompanion bible will out reader to ghtly dide the bible e of the structures help read#r follow subject matter thefore critical to an knderstanding of god's word tde 198 pendix found in the bible cover ride variety of
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topicsnd informationhich will light your sties companion bible and strong conco)dance are for serious bible student lcome back with have 8-number 1-8x0-3-46 that nuers good throughout puerto rico the and canadif you have a bial questn you would like to po to be possibly b% answered on her though for a call that nuer &eaveour question please don't ask question about a specific invidual denominion orgazationy name we teach gos word itry to teach god's word andositive manner that were t negative about othe sves no purse we simply won't know if your listing bm shortwave the igternet round the wod someplace otr than can use it 8-number burnouts are withinhe hour will give you mailing address quiáe all right mail your question a being the point that arayer
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request away wiaá ndred number you d't need telephone o) paper and penci mailing address your heavenly father is there r you and he is there for you 24seven if you're doing things his way, covered th in lecturtoday if we can found if you're worshiping a sck or rock in yothat something oer than him asour god he cannot be found of you bause you rgot him he will fget yo if youove and sehihe he is there for you 20 4700 with a two for what you ed partularly if you want to god's anointeds eathis time of trouble the ti of jacob's trouble tribulations nner chrt oforget picte trust or confidence in ur hohin your heavenly father we do have these prayer reest father become unit as one ithe name ofyouron jesus rist we asyou to @ lo un the father you know tre are needs if is your will a special blessing
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on each of these father also lift uyour military troops in harms way arod the world at tir fils in their father i know many families saifice just as much as the serving our country off fighting thenees of freedom we wantto regard dire touch heel and jesus personally damon pinky father questions first up kenneth kenneth this from oklahoma i want to know where i live all pastors teach ureis it wrong for me to plant a ed to the pastors in public or shld i do is in prive with this be judng them if i put it tsei do not want to judge them can i have some scripturethat will help me
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plant seeds by my ask and how thick is youskin because i ll you in other words be prepar tse that teac there appeared organa have pture if you don't know bette) the good convince you they're right if y need me to give you scripture to support there's no )apre is not ready to go planting seeds to poorly th pastors who teach rapture fit thing they're ing to do whole first thessalonians 4 versus 1415 1617 d you n have a responsen visalia do not ready to plant seeds you can get ready by ordering pastor on ma)s work rapture.the tdree cb set takes youll the way through god'work gives scriure again you need to be thick-skinnewould not
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t)y plant the seed with a past in public get the mt of the sun if you choo to do that again i caution you you better have pretty thick skin larry michigafter satan's be hertwo or threeonths a)e trhurimes with the millennium start immediately will we stl have todeal w%th evil ring that me ll we still have 24hours days and nights in four seasons everything will ben god scdule at thaá time we will be an spare bodies just the moreillennium begins immediatelcalled áhe lds @ day post as god's word wn jes returns at theecond
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adve there is no more ush we going to spare bodies timereally has no relevance to a spirit body becae the spiriá body can live ernally me of us will be fortunateenou to live ernally u' askingill it start immediately s u're asking alaboutevil second peter three first temptes is now e elements that shoulb've been translated evil rudiments will melt with permanent heat that's when the rd )eturns he is nsuming fire haza)ds written in hebrews 12 verse 21.everydy still here spare dies in e millenniug nuclr leave those that are virtually dead there callein revelation 20 verse 67 not
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every one of them ll be in eterty some of them as a church will go in to t lake of fire used in california one liins at conpáto how is t sole and planted tdree sit byhe spe of the n who decides male or female or has the ul is iting in e of the female of the abovgod places the soul in the embryo at the ti oconception jeremiah make it nohapter 1 kerse five godaid to jeremiahi knew you before i formed you in your mother's womb other words godknows which so he puts iwhich invidual jn
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three versthree probab one of the gt s-taught scptur in god's word states we must be born again toovstrong's board again should'vbeen áralated from above we have to be born from above god the ul he had with in hven in the embryo here on earth at the time of concehtion had window time conception lu chapter 1 wh marbeme pregnant with jesus let me bacup on that and matáhew i said luke one going to t wrong placend the book of matthew luke one i am right luke one whenary me with child she went to
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elizabeth who six months pregnantith john t baptist when maryst áwo or thr#e ys after she conived wn the presence of elizabeth jo let and s mother's womb beuse of the srit of god that was present #ric vermont anpsalm 21erse three can you ease explain the word prent th mean not to give no hrevent th%there mes come to meet in that partu&ase and psalm 21 @ coming to et witblessings in goodness angela florida hearyou say peop are blotted out so wople die how do they suffer if they a blotted out i think you're rerring to the death of th f&esh ange or something
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much worsthan the dth of your h when the fleshody for ort periodtimeeally link when i coaredo the eternity make note of psalm 6929 psalm9 vee 28 stes ere let them be blott#d out we talking about the flesh but were talking about the ul is what david is praying for thr and psalm 69 other words with the be blotted ou of the book of &ivinin other words taking out othe book o# life jim georgia in georgia is micharcngelnd jus n e thing absoluly not
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that is relyice to blasphemweo not worship angelsngels are fellow services angel tolman john in the ok revelation en john started to fall do in his feet and woriped him angel quickly lifted hig up said do not worship me i'm just a llowvant dnie louisiana in these end times are we waiting for more things happethan just the two witnesse appear i learned from your evyday thank you for td were glad you're learning a lot of things have to happen before the two witnesses appear you need to study matthew 24 mark luke 21 details the eves that stome to pass at t beginnigg of matthew 24 the disciple as christ masterworks
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is goi t like when y r#turn the secd advent h tells them this is what @ currently like aefore a return that's what you need to study matthew 24 mar13uke 21 madison georgia thetwo witnesses in revelation when are th due to showp they showp ju befe thinner christ shorteriodtime before the anticist does which you can document if you know what you're bng with revelation 11 in revelation 12 given the nuerf days two witnesses will be here little bit longer thanwdat t time. the antichrist will be given in revelation 12 wt i meant if you kw what y'ring course the time satan is in short probably the time of thetwo wiesseshave been
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shortenecorrespondingly i lieve sáilbeeve he'll be here beforthe inner christ appears why because tde to be feeding god'slectn with truth d making sure god's planomes to pa just exactly as richard debra nortd carolina please can you scripture wherei n study about p)er test is also ll me about wen havinto be silent in church scripture in thenew testament if y g back áo the etymoly of the word mns women should not chatter ig church you know men and children suld not chatter and church eitr if god's word isbeing taught mouths neeto be shut es newbie open is whawe learn from that there's many many won got utilized mightily in
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his word my of them called ofit test this first occurrence you find in exodu chapter 15 verse 20 mary m t s%sáer of moseand aan was a profit test second kings 22 verse 14 you have a profit @ test there be name of ld that when high priest of moic tabernae or temple actuly down the law he took it tthe kethkey the high pr is what is althis mean w tdictate to the find out what god's word is the tickeá to hold she tol them the's trouble on the horin ezekiel 13 talks about false prophets and false profit test thisew testamená philip had4 daughters in the book of backs verse nine
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all of them did prophesy markeá new york can you explain number 16 rse 35 30 thank you that's concern%ng cora will dappen cora was ting to take ses d aan out of thetu as far as being in chargof israel he was actually tir first cousin he s a coincide of the levitical family he told moses and aaron you 2 fellows particular w too much upon herself they didn't take it upon áhemsves god pled that commsion on em mosess a little pat wi them said okay y think youshld adecread then who you and whoever mou want ce down tomorrow bring your
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sensorsun offer incense to the lord verse 25with @ cora brought the sensors like aaron sans nader havebe a bu when they brought sange fire be the altar what god do itruct tdem dead 250 but dared l ofr igcense before the altar which is assd to the priesthoodr he struck em dead as well thereashe th were holys they dad been taken by the lord if u will set the offering to them outside the camp and them in a cleanple instrted moses toake their little melted sensors and pound the inlat platesor whi they bn mounted on theide of the aa) of the burnt offeris to their mind of the peop don't take the ro of
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the priesá if you want to live laurenrizona question in regards to the two nighás in the wicked whenthey get together in grou and hm ople who persete them as a scripture veryonrning that corruption and pay off want tohank you and your staff god ess loe let me give you one scripture galatians 6 oreven states god will not be mkedd will not be deceived don't you be deived god wil& got emote whaoever a man so that al wl that man woman or child reap everybody gets exactly what they have comi to them on judgment day kim califora howco you gever sw your congregation we d likeo eonce in awhile who you're spking to it would justbe
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mfortable with respect the privacy our congregation here at thchel if when they were getting readyfor church they had to get readm r urch knong they might be on television thath prob áake a lot nge)o get ready for chch then you got lks that would notant to worwith the normally w# urage peopleo me as you are people don't come in their pajamaobviously so people, casually meeting genes if we started planninghe congregation when wereoing @ ousunday message of e church people wod ve to be coerd that i wear the rit dress or did i we there see thanks for suggestion will just cont%nue to respect the pvacy of our
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conggation decided that if god's word is being ught why would you want to be looking at the congregatn to fus god's word about the reaction of tdepeople in the crowd 50 minneso why do some peop get burd some get cremated when they al& go to the lo mour rit it's a good point does not matter whher you're married or whetr you're cremad kludgy asked the 12 six and seven when this flesh body spo birds figu speechmeang when we die flesh goes back to e eah fr which it came vested this past ash hurt the earth spiritetns of the father fromich itame surely alabama is jesus god answer
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that is yes the rean that of threon isaiah 7 verse weretold át a virg will ncei we m emmanuelu wil& @ translate it is god with us he came in the f&esto show us w ett done also the name jesus in hebrews iser which means you ve a savr yes his only begotten son crucified on the cross but he s there dog it for oth ell hn 14 verse philip said the jesus show was the ther a jesus said have i been with you so littletime that you don't realize if you see me u the father td's why jesus said that y inana judges 14 199x @ estion abo
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when samson slew the 30 men to giveback the gaen to the 30 t trked him s curious about the how do you feel about that of tde hours will wrgle with that i know áhe @ spiritome er him and i recoe i thought strange he cld kill to dthat pleaseivme some light og that t ph%listines had been sent purely ov own pssing the ople of israel witthe service samson god began to deliver the people of israel from thehistines began under samsog concled under samuel áhas the y it was said yourself the spirome upon don't t to find fault with samson for something the ho spirit had him dof d's spir was
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enticing him for leading him to do that %'m sure not gog torg with tht a me when you a great deal becae you joy studying our father word in-dep you ow what it makes his day when he looks downnd hes yoseeking him oking for informion coerning hemp in the hewrote to the bie we a broughto u your tithes anofferings withheld you heluseep comingo yoreach out others as well is one thing most important áo look at it this is da's word everyday everyday in your father'word is aood day evenit oue you kn why because @@ jesus is the living word and god's word with understanding wodangeer life we hope you have enjoyed stkdying god's work here on the sdeprds chapel family bible study hour witpasáor arnold murr if you would like to
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receivere informaon ncerning spherdshapel you y requt our fr oductory offer our introdtoryffer contas the ma of the beast audiotape monthly newsletter with a written ble study date catalogue lists a written reference wos availae ugh shepherds ap to request our free introductory offer by tephoneall 8x0 to )equest our free troducry offer by teleone call 80x-643-4645 24 hours a y you may also request our introducry oer by writingheerds chapepo box 416, gravatt, a72736 once again that shepherds oncegain that shepherds once again that shepherds chapel po bo6,ravatt, @@ 72736 we invityou to joius for the next in th bible study eaeekday at the sameme thank you f wating today's program and god bles youhe's
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got thehole world @@
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